Jogo Behaviour Support Blog
Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud Painting Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Mud, Mud Glorious Mud Painting
Things you will need:
brown paint
Rubber band or small twig "worms."
Squirt brown paint in the middle of the
paper. Let the children add mud, grass, leaves, sticks and worms to the paint.
Let them use their fingers to mix the goop up until their paper looks like the
kind of swamp a hippopotamus would like to wallow in.
Benefits of
playing this game:
- Develops play skills essential for healthy development
- Develops creative skills
- Develops their language and communication skills
- Develops imagination
- Develops gross motor skills
- Develops fine motor skills
- It is fun, cheap, highly beneficial, and simple.
When will schools return after
the easing of lockdown restrictions?
The question of schools
returning and what that exactly looks like seems to be on most people’s minds
at the moment. Of course one could argue
that schools are still open as those pupils described as vulnerable of children
of key workers can still attend. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the take up has not been that high but
it will be interesting to see the figures once they are available.
However, in essence during the
lockdown schools have been closed to the vast majority of pupils. But one should not forget nor diminish the
support schools and teachers are and continue to give to pupils and their
families with home-schooling.
The Department of Education
posted an excellent set of case studies on how distance learning can be
supported keeping
primary and secondary pupils motivated and engaged at a distance
first week or two of homeschooling had the novelty factor, the newness of it
all tinged with an element of excitement that comes with the unknown tends to
get us through the first stage. In these first few days of homeschooling
parents may have enthusiastically downloaded apps, subscribed to websites,
bought resources, constructed timetables, established routines etc. However, as
the days turned into weeks this initial enthusiasm is hard to maintain. The
question of when will schools re-open starts to be discussed.
The question of when and if
schools should return is a complex one and one that has so far seemed
characterised by a lack of imagination, creativity and realism. There are a
number of different points of view and they do at times seem to be in
competition with each, when surely now is the time to have a measured
conversation on achieving just one thing what is in the best interest of
pupils. Everything else will have a degree of importance and need to be considered
but the best interest of pupils surely comes first.
The issue of safety is
paramount and it is this issue that seems to lead to a divergence of opinion
from all sides of the debate government, professionals and parents/carers. But
it is not one issue debate it is more complex. One could take the view that social distancing is impossible in schools
and therefore the logical conclusion would be not re-open schools until there
is complete relaxation of these guidelines which could be a year away. I don’t think anybody is seriously suggesting
schools stay closed for that period of time, which means we need to be creative
in our thinking. But isn’t that we do in
Education look at an issue and come up with creative solutions?
We must begin the debate with
an agreed position that schools will return sooner than later and then the
issue of how to do it safely can be addressed, COVID-19 will be here next week,
next month and next year. The debate
needs to be about schools re-opening within the context of COVID-19 still with
us and how we do that. This needs to be planned and the conversation needs to
be happening now.
This conversation will then
inform a debate that poses questions, suggests ideas, puts forward solutions, but
more importantly puts those who work in education in control of the
agenda. That is, yes we are going back
and this is how we will do it.
Next week Jogo Behaviour
Support will publish a Podcast on this issue and try to start the debate. The Podcast will not ask should schools
re-open but how they can safely. We
would very much like to hear your views and include them in the debate. Please contact us on